Raising the Bar

Home / Office of the Treasurer / Actions Taken

The old adage stands firm:  actions speak louder than words.  The Treasurer’s Office uses a multifaceted approach to advance its sustainable investment strategy.  This includes direct engagement with corporate decision-makers, voting by proxy, weighing in on public policymaking, evaluating fund managers and portfolio companies by sustainability factors, working in coalition with other institutional investors, prioritizing diversity and inclusion, and various other measures.


The following table lists notable actions taken by the Treasurer’s Office.

 ActionInvolved PartiesESG Factor/IssueDate Initiated
For the Long Term

Illinois Treasurer joins 3 other state treasurers calling on the Federal Home Loan Bank system to refocus its efforts on financing housing and community development projects.

For the Long Term Social - Housing and Community Development July 2024
Southern Company

Illinois Treasurer successfully negotiates with Southern Company to enhance transparency around its executive compensation plan

CA100+ Climate Change and Executive Compensation June 2024
Meta logo hi resolution

Filed exempt solicitation at Meta Platforms ("Facebook") calling on the Company to increase disclosure around its system of unequal voting rights

Meta Platforms Shareholder Rights May 2024
Raising the Bar Logo

Illinois Treasurer urges investors to vote against board leadership at ExxonMobil for their attack on shareholder rights

Illinois Treasurer Shareholder Rights May 2024
Southern Company

Illinois Treasurer flags vote at Southern Company

CA100+ Climate Change May 2024
Raising the Bar Logo

Illinois Treasurer advocates for worker health and safety at major airlines

Illinois Treasurer Human Capital Management November 2023
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Op-Ed: Exxon shouldn't be able to silence its shareholders

Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs Shareholder Rights April 2024
Amazon Logo

Joined 21 Other Investor Groups Calling on Amazon to Conduct a Third-Party Assessment of its Practices Related to Worker Freedom of Association

Amazon Human Capital Management April 2024
For the Long Term

Five State Treasurers and Comptrollers Request Meeting with Sherwin-Williams to Discuss Feasibility of Adopting a Responible Contractor Policy

For the Long Term Human Capital Management April 2024
Preformed Line Products Logo

Filed exempt solicitation for Preformed Line Products shareholder proposal

Preformed Line Products Social - Board Diversity April 2024
Preformed Line Products Logo

Filed shareholder proposal at Preformed Line Products

Preformed Line Products Social - Board Diversity November 2023
Midwest Investors Diversity Initiative

Reported Progress of the Midwest Investors Diversity Initiative

Midwest Investors Diversity Initiative Board Diversity November 2023
Raising the Bar Logo

Illinois Treasurer publishes its 2022 Sustainable Investment Report

Illinois Treasurer Sustainable Investing November 2023
US Securities and Exchange Commission Logo

Urged the SEC to mandate board diversity disclosure by companies

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Board Diversity November 2023
Raising the Bar Logo

Chicago Tribune Op-Ed: Those who want to ban sustainability-focused investing are on the losing end

Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs and ValueEdge Advisors vice chair Nell Minow Backlash Against Sustainable Investing November 2023
For the Long Term

Eleven State Treasurers and Comptrollers Urge UPS CEO to Reach a Fair Deal with the UPS Teamsters and Prevet a Strike

For the Long Term Human Capital Management July 2023
Raising the Bar Logo

Statement before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability

Illinois Treasury Discussion of ESG Practices May 2023
Southern Company

IL Treasurer Flags Shareholder Proposal Vote on Climate Change Targets at Southern Company

Southern Company Climate Change May 2023

Climate Action 100+ Flags Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Proposal on Board Oversight related to Climate Risks

Berkshire Hathaway Board Oversight, Climate Change March 2023
Majority Action

IL Treasurer recognized by Majority Action as a leader holding directors accountable for climate risk mitigation as a Climate Action 100+ signatory.

Illinois Treasury Climate Change January 2023
HCA Healthcare

Introduced shareholder proposal at HCA Healthcare seeking to improve oversight of human capital management and workplace safety practices. 

HCA Healthcare Human Capital Management November 2022
Raising the Bar Logo

Chicago Tribune Op-Ed: Climate change poses financial risks. Why would officials want investors to ignore that fact?

Illinois Treasury Environmental - Sustainability March 2023
Raising the Bar Logo

Frerichs Leads National Effort Calling on Russell 3000 Companies to Disclose Board Diversity Data

Russell 3000 Companies Board Diversity November 2022
Raising the Bar Logo

Illinois Treasurer publishes its 2021 Sustainable Investment Report

Illinois Treasurer Sustainable investing September 2022
For the Long Term

Thirteen State Treasurers and NYC Comptroller Denounce Playing Politics with the Financial Security of States and Taxpayers

For the Long Term Governance / Risk Management, Transparency September 2022


The Treasurer’s Office gains immense value working in partnership with coalitions, corporate governance experts, and other investors. Partnerships help us pursue learning opportunities, advance leading investment practices, and ultimately be better fiduciaries seeking to protect assets and maximize returns. That’s why we are active members of several major investor networks, including those featured below, which are made up of leading asset management firms, public pension funds, labor funds, foundations, endowments, family offices, and other state treasurers.



  • Creating More Opportunities for Minorities, Women, Veterans, and Disabled-Owned (“MWVD”) Businesses – Inclusion is a key pillar of the Treasurer's approach to investing.  Research demonstrates that MWVD-owned companies are often well-situated to ascertain capital inefficiencies in the market, and as such, many are primed to outperform their peers.  Treasurer Frerichs and his team have transformed the culture, policies, and operations of the Treasury to enhance opportunities available to MWVD individuals and business partners.  Since Treasurer Frerichs came into office:
    • The Office of the Illinois Treasurer has increased utilization of MWVD broker/dealers from 1% to 77%.  Put another way, total assets brokered by MWVD firms increased from $603 million in FY 2014 to $39 billion in FY 2021. That represents a 64-fold increase. 
    • The Office of the Illinois Treasurer has increased assets managed by MWVD firms from $18 million in December 2014 to $3.3 billion as of June 2021. That represents a 183-fold increase. 
    • Click here for more information on the Illinois Treasurer's focus on equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Midwest Investors Diversity Initiative – The Illinois Treasurer leads the Midwest Investors Diversity Initiative (MIDI), a 17-member coalition comprised of regional institutional investors with over $1 trillion in assets under management. MIDI engages companies in the Midwest facing board diversity shortfalls, working collaboratively to understand company policies and practices and make targeted recommendations to institutionalize best practices and improve board diversity. MIDI works with companies to adopt a diverse search policy known as the “Rooney Rule,” which has its origins in the National Football League. The Rooney Rule provides that, for every open board seat, women and racial minority candidates be included in the initial search pool of candidates.
    • Since launching in 2016, MIDI has conducted 75 company engagements, and 51 companies have committed to adopt the Rooney Rule. In addition, 95 women and persons of color have gained corporate board seats following engagement.
  • Thirty Percent Coalition – Since 2018, the Illinois Treasurer has been actively involved on the Board of Directors of the Thirty Percent Coalition, which is comprised of over 90 members with over $7 trillion in assets under management (AUM). This coalition is committed to the goal of advancing women, including women of color, on boards of public companies.
    • As a leader of the Thirty Percent Coalition, the Illinois Treasurer and fellow investors have successfully engaged nearly 400 companies that have now appointed women to their boards.
  • Russell 3000 Disclosure on Racial/Ethnic Board Diversity – The Illinois Treasurer is leading a campaign, launched in October 2020, asking all companies in the Russell 3000 to disclose the racial, ethnic and gender composition of their Board of Directors in their proxy statements. We believe the business case for board diversity warrants the request for full disclosure. Our office, joined by fellow institutional investors, is asking leading American companies to self-correct this omission if they do not do so already. Supporters of this effort will be examining policies to vote against nominating committees with no reported racial/ethnic diversity in their proxy statements and expanding more direct shareholder engagement.


The Illinois Treasurer publishes an annual sustainable investment report every year. These reports showcase in detail the Illinois Treasurer's sustainable investing priorities and activities during the relevant calendar year.